Sunday, June 26, 2005

Welcome to Against the Giants; the no-doubt copyright infringing blog of Martyn Maillardet, known about the internet as sad_genius. This blog will serve as an on-line home for the various D&D material I churn out from time to time, either as part of my home campaign or as continueing D&D rules "practice" for trying to get stuff published.

What you can look forward to on Against the Giants:

My conversion to D&D 3.5e of the classic module "The Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan".
D&D stats for wacky monsters and such from video games, modern and not so.
Musings on the ways I'm seeing D&D 3.5e work out for my new players in my home campaign, a run through of Paizo publishing's Shackled City adventure path.


UruDnd said...


I've been looking through the internet for C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan converted to 3.5 to no avail. Would you be willing to share yours?

UruDnd said...

BTW, you can contact me at: urudnd (at) gmail (dot) com

DRK said...

Also would love to see your ideas on 3.5 conversion of C1...if you are still in business