Thursday, December 08, 2005

Converting Magic the Gathering Cards to D20 D&D?

Funnily enough, just as I thought about doing this, I found a website where someone else has been at it for the last few months. Anyway, this place needs some content and I'm in a doing mood, so I thought I'd continue at it.

A Matter of Scale:

The first thing we need to address about creatures in Magic the Gathering is that the two major ways in which they are rated, attack and defence, take in the efficacy of the card as a whole rather than necessarily a single creature – the best example is that the Benalish Hero, who we can assume is one person, is rated 1 attack and defence, the same as Mon's Goblin Raiders – presumably a small group of goblins. This equivalency is simply defined in D&D through Challenge Ratings and character levels; presumably our Benalish Hero is a high level character, and that makes her roughly equivalent to a group of goblins. From this we can create a scale for conversion between points and levels (this only makes sense if the creatures M:tG stats are both equal; I'll talk about when this isn't the case later). Assuming that a card that represents a squad of individuals numbers roughly ten individuals of CR ½, i.e. Orcs or men, this group would provide a balanced encounter for a 5th level party (that is four characters at an average of 5th level); now we already established that our single brave Benalish Hero is a match for these enemies on her own; the problem is that the CR system assumes a party of four characters is equal to those 10 CR ½ creatures (which is in turn EL 5), but we have just the one Benalish Hero. This means we could assume then that the Benalish Hero would be several levels higher than 5th, 8th maybe, to take on the EL 5 encounter on her own. However, in M:tG, in a fair fight, both the hero and the goblins would be destroyed, where as an 8th level D&D character could probably handily defeat the goblins and carry on her way. The CR system is judged in such a way that a EL equal to that of the average party level will drain approximately 20% of the parties resources (in hit points, spells, healing potions etc…), and after 4 of these encounters the party would need to rest; in our little case study, the goblins and the hero both end up dead (or at least, out of the fighting for good, depending on how long you think the average game of Magic takes in "game time"), so assuming the combatants all expand enough resources to make up for numbers, meaning that the hero uses 20% of her resources for herself and each missing party member, that gives us a 5th level hero 100% used up, either out of the fight for a while, or dead.

Magic the Gathering Statistics

(For creatures with equal attack/defence)

D&D Individual

D&D Group


5th Level character, CR 5 monster

10 CR ½ creatures, 5 CR 1 creatures, 15 CR 1/3 creatures


8th Level character, CR 8 monster

10 CR 1 creatures, 5 CR 3 creatures


9th Level character, CR 9 monster

10 CR 2 creatures, 5 CR 4 creatures


10th Level Character, CR 10 monster

10 CR 3 creatures, 5 CR 5 creatures


11th Level character, CR 11 monster

10 CR 4 creatures, 5 CR 6 creatures


12th Level character, CR 12 monster

10 CR 5 creatures, 5 CR 7 creatures


13th Level character, CR 13 monster

10 CR 6 creatures, 5 CR 8 creatures


14th Level character, CR 14 monster

10 CR 7 creatures, 5 CR 8 creatures

What about uneven stats?

The monster manual gives guidelines for calculating appropriate base attack bonuses or armour class for monsters of a given CR; in the case of monsters with a higher M:tG attack statistic, calculate their Attack Bonus (not base attack) as if their CR was equal to the higher statistic, determined from the table above; the table below shows average base attack bonus and armour class for M:tG statisitics.

Magic the Gathering Statistic

Attack Bonus

Armour Class

























Thursday, September 08, 2005

The following is an attempt to incorporate the history of the Cauldrom region (placed near the Hellfurnaces and Amedio Jungle in the Dungeon Greyhawk map) into the existant Greyhawk chronology. Each entry shows the Common Year (CY), "Years Ago" as listed in the Shackled City hardcover, the events that occurred in the Cauldron region and the events that occurred in the wider Flanaess, with a leaning towards the Amedio and its surrounds (The Hold of the Sea Princes, Keoland etc ...). The beginning of the Shackled City campaign is some time in 594 CY according to the Age of Worms overload PDF and Dungeon #124. All Flanaess information is from the GREYCHRONDEX, available at Canonfire.

592 CY
-2 Years Ago
Embril Aloustinai kills three clerics of Pelor who discover her links to the Cagewrights.
Westkeep taken by Keoland in 590 CY, 3rd great treasure hunting boom begins in Greyhawk City 591 CY.

587 CY
-7 Years Ago
Filth Fever plague in Cauldron.
Civil war between Scarlet Brotherhood factions in the Hold of the Sea Princes begins 589 CY.

585 CY
-9 Years Ago
Triel Eldurast murders occur; Eldurast disappears.
Events of From the Ashes, Marklands, Iuz the Evil and Return of the Eight.

584 CY
-10 Years Ago
Zenith Splintershield leaves for Deep Oerth.
Greyhawk wars begin in 582 CY, Idee, Onwal and the Sea Princes fall to the Scarlet Brotherhood.

579 Cy
-15 Years Ago
Vhalantru joins Cauldron nobility.
Advenurers sack Temple of Elemental Evil, Scarlet Brotherhood slave-taking in Amedio and Hepmonaland increases a year later in 580 CY.

564 CY
-30 Years Ago
Cagewrights begin construction of Tree of Shackled Souls.
Slavelords come to power late 560's CY.

563 CY
-31 Years Ago
Cagewrights set up base in Shatterhorn, Fetor Abradius discovers the Soul Pillars, first ever Flood Festival.
Bonemarch falls to humanoid invasion fostered by the Scarlet Brotherhood.

562 CY
-32 Years Ago
Heavy rains destroy much of Cauldron.
Temple of Elemental Evil established in late 550's CY.

544 CY
-50 Years Ago
Adimarchus betrayed by Athux and imprisoned in Skullrot.

519 CY
-75 Years Ago
The Vanishing destroys Jzadirune.
Sea Princes arrive in the Amedio jungle in 530 CY.

494 CY
-100 Years Ago
Hookface and his mate retreat to their lair North of Cauldron.
Rise of Iuz circa 480 CY, Iggwilv enslaves Perrenland in 491 CY.

394 CY
-200 Years Ago
Hookface arrives in the area and begins attacks on merchants and cities in the region – these attacks continue for a century.
Grey College founded in 390 CY, Sea Princes gain power in early 400's.

274 CY
-320 Years Ago
Dyr'ryd founds the Cagewrights. Demodands begin impregnating mortals to sire the Shackleborn.
Zagyg born circa 262 CY, Castle Greyhawk built circa 320 CY.

194 CY
-400 Years Ago
Shatterhorn destroyed by Merrshaulk. Yuan-Ti presence in Amedio Jungle begins to dwindle.

-6 CY
-600 Years Ago
Kingfisher Hollow and Hollowsky founded – the people of these towns battle Yuan-Ti for territory.

-56 CY
-650 Years Ago
Surabar Spellmason dies.

-86 CY
-680 Years Ago
Cauldron, Jazadirune and the Malachite Fortress founded.

-96 CY
-690 Years Ago
Surabar Spellmason defeats Nabthatoron, who is exiled to Oerth by Yeenoghu. Village of Liduton destroyed.

-101 CY
-695 Years Ago
Liduton founded by Kozomagon Lidu

-103 CY
-697 Years Ago
Yeenoghu sends Nanthatoron to the Demonskar

-106 CY
-700 Years Ago
Sasserine founded, Surabar Spellmason founds Redgorge nd raises the Basalt Bastions

-116 CY
-710 Years Ago
Archmage Surabar Spellmason contactic by the diva Nidrama and charged with destroying the demonic taint in the Southern Amedio/Hellfurnaces.
Tamoachan destroyed in –425, war between Olman and Suel begins in Amedio circa -170.

-1226 CY
-1,820 Years Ago
Demonskar created when Spellweaver city is destroyed. Abyssal portals appear in the region for next century.
D'kana disappear from Amedio jungle.

-1306 CY
-1900 Years Ago
End of Kopru/Spellweaver war.

-1406 CY
-2000 Years Ago
Kyuss ascends to godhood.
Troglodyte empire falls around –1700 CY

-1906 CY
-2500 Years Ago
Kyuss arrives in the region, Spire of Long Shadows founded.
Olmans and Touv build cities in Hepmonaland and the Amedio.

-2406 CY
-3000 Years Ago
Spellweavers arrive in the area and found a city in the Demonskar. Beginning of Kopru/Spellweaver war.
Amedio ruled by Demon-worshipping Troglodytes, Olmans' begin to worship their pantheon of deities, Sueloise at war with humanoids in the Southern Crystalmists (Hellfurnaces).

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Lower Chambers 4-6

4. Mud Filled Doorway:

While the silt blockage is in place this stone door has a Hardness of 8, 100 hp and a break DC of 35. It acts as a normal stone door once the blockage has been cleared. The door hinges have Hardness 10 and 30hp, but only one can be attacked unless the silt is cleared.

5. Tomb Stone and Wet Lime:

The wet lime in this room is both acidic (1d6 acid damage per round of exposure) and poisonous (contact DC 15, initial damage 1 str, secondary damage 1d4 str, all damage temporary). Pushing the block inward requires a DC 30 strength check, up to 3 additional characters can help with the aid another action. Doing so takes 10 minutes – 1 minute per 5 points the str check to move it was exceeded by.

6. Rubble-filled Staircase

This area is particularly prone to cave-ins, as described in Notes for the DM.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Lower Chambers:

3. The Roost of the Conch


Large Magical Beast

Hit Dice: 6d10+30 (63 hp)

Initiative: +6

Speed: 20ft, swim 20ft

Armour Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18

Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+17

Attack: Claw +13 melee (2d6+7)

Full Attack: 2 Claws +13 melee (2d6+7), 2 slams +8 melee (1d6+7), Bite +8 melee (1d8+7)

Space/Reach: 10ft./5ft.

Special Attacks: Trample, shell crush

Special Qualities: Dark vision 60ft, low-light vision

Saving Throws: Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +8

Abilities: Str 25, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 16, Cha 14, Wis 14

Skills: Appraise +6, Decipher Script +6, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcane) + 6, Knowledge (history) +9, Listen +8, Sense Motive +8, Spot +8, Use Magical Device +5

Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Grab, Power Attack

Environment: Any aquatic, underground

Organization: Solitary

Challenge Rating: 6

Treasure: Standard

Alignment: Usually Chaotic Neutral

Advancement: 7-8 HD (large), 9-18 (Huge), 18-25 HD (Gargantuan)

(Sa) Trample: As a full round action, Kalka-Kylla can move 40ft dealing 1d6+10 damage to any creature over-ran; DC 20 reflex save for half damage.

(Sa) Shell Crush: During a full attack action, Kalka-Kylla may substitute 2 slams for a shell crush attack. To use the shell crush, a target must be in an adjacent square to both Kalka-Kylla and a wall. Kalka-Kylla makes a melee touch attack against the target, which can make a DC 20 reflex save for half damage if the hit is successful. A hit causes 3d6+7 damage, and is subject to a grapple check as if Kalka-Kylla was one size category larger (+21 for a standard Kalka-Kylla). In subsequent rounds, Kalka-Kylla may continue to substitute 2 slams to inflict 1d6+7 constriction damage on the target after a successful grapple check (as the constrict feat).

The Lower Chambers:

2. Hall of Thrashing Canes

Stone Log trap: CR 4; location trigger; repair reset; atk +15 melee (4d6, stone blocks plus +15 bull rush); multiple targets (10ft. radius); Search DC 20, Disable Device DC 28.

One activated this trap acts as a 1ft. thick reinforced masonry wall (Break DC 45; Hardness 8, HP 180)

Friday, August 26, 2005

The Lower Chambers:

  1. The Vault of Chicomoztoc

Poison gas in room acts as Fog (DMG. 94).

Animated Figures:

Olman Warrior Statue CR 1

Human warrior 2

NC Medium humanoid

Init +2 Senses Listen +2 Spot +3

Languages Olman

AC 13 (12 with great club)

Hp 10

Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0

Spd 30 ft.

Melee dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20), hand axe +5 (1d6+2/x3) or great club +5 (1d10 +3)

Ranged short spear +4 (1d6+2)

Base Atk +2, Grp +4

Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8

Feats Alertness, Weapon Focus (appropriate weapon)

Skills Climb +6, Jump +6, Intimidate +3, Listen +2, Spot +3

Possesions light wooden shield, dagger, short spear, hand axe or greatclub

Olman Priest Statue CR 1 1/2

Human adept 3

NC Medium humanoid

Init +3 Senses Listen +2 Spot +3

Languages Olman

AC 12

Hp 12

Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +5

Spd 30 ft.

Melee great club +2 (1d10 +1)

Base Atk +1, Grp +1

Spells Prepared (Adp 3rd, -1 ranged touch):

1st – bless, burning hands, cause fear

0 – guidance (4)

Abilities Str 10, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14

Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (great club)

Skills Concentration + 6, Handle Animal +6, Heal +6, Survival +6

Possesions great club, ceremonial armour

Olman Peasant Statue CR 1/2

Human commoner 1

NC Medium humanoid

Init +1 Senses Listen +4 Spot +4

Languages Olman

AC 10

Hp 7

Fort +1, Ref +0, Will -1

Spd 30 ft.

Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)

Ranged short spear +4 (1d6+2)

Base Atk +0, Grp +1

Abilities Str 12, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 10

Feats Alertness, Toughness

Skills Climb +3, Listen +4, Spot +4

Possesions dagger

Constrictor Snake Statue MM. 279; CR 2

Dog Statue MM. 271; CR 1/3

Puma Statue (leopard) MM. 274; CR 2

Wandering Monsters:

Roll 1d10

1 – Rat Swarm, MM. 239; CR 2

2 – Bat Swarm, MM. 237; CR 2

3 – 1d4 Giant Fire Beatles, MM. 285; CR 1/3

4 – 2d8 Human Commoner Zombies, MM. 266; CR ½

5 – Will-O'-Wisp, MM 255; CR 6

6 – 1d4+1 Baboons, MM 268; CR 1/2

7 - 1d3 Medium Vipers, MM. 280; CR 1

8 – 1d4 Killer Frogs, see Dungeon Magazine 126, pg. 60; CR 3

9 - 1 Leopard, MM. 274; CR 2

10 – Huge Monstrous Spider, MM. 289; CR 5

C1: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan Conversion Notes

Notes for the Dungeon Master

Collapsing Corridors: Rules for collapses are detailed on pg. 66 of the DMG. Any character casting a fireball, lightning bolt or similar spell or effect (DMs discretion) causes a cave-in. Cave-ins are centred on the middle of the blast template for area effect spells and at the impact point for targeted spells.

Poison Gas: CR 3; mechanical; location trigger; automatic reset; gas; never miss; onset delay (10 rounds); poison (special poison gas, DC 18 Fortitude save resists, 1D6/0 hit point damage); Search DC 10; Disable Device N/A

[Design Note: Straight out of the gates, something tricky to convert – the original poison does a straight 1d6 damage per AD&D round (1 minute); poison in 3.5E D&D tends to both allow a saving throw and do ability damage. Since this poison is designed to kill players, in 3.5E terms it would do Con damage; the problem with this is that if we have the player take even 1 point of Con damage every minute the average sixth level character will be way dead in about 10 minutes, where as the original gave characters a survival time of between 10 minutes and 1 hour. I opted to have the poison do hit point damage, which is non-standard for 3.5E but in keeping with the original – I've allowed the player a average difficulty Fort save to bring the poison gas up to date and compensate for the lower hit points of 3.5E characters.]

Dried Potions: A character eating a dried potion must make a DC 15 Fort save or be affected by a Confusion spell cast at level 4 (SR not applicable).

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Welcome to Against the Giants; the no-doubt copyright infringing blog of Martyn Maillardet, known about the internet as sad_genius. This blog will serve as an on-line home for the various D&D material I churn out from time to time, either as part of my home campaign or as continueing D&D rules "practice" for trying to get stuff published.

What you can look forward to on Against the Giants:

My conversion to D&D 3.5e of the classic module "The Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan".
D&D stats for wacky monsters and such from video games, modern and not so.
Musings on the ways I'm seeing D&D 3.5e work out for my new players in my home campaign, a run through of Paizo publishing's Shackled City adventure path.